Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
A return to mostly riding on paved roads today (only 17% off road). The first, longer, mostly climbing, off road section made me wary of the second section. Riding the first section simply highlighted the fact that an average gradient of 7% can hide a whole host of nastiness!
I managed to get about half way up the climb you can see in this photo before the surface and gradient was such that the back wheel lost traction and walking took the place of cycling.
Fortunately, the denouement of the first section was so steep it had been paved, which enabled me to get out of the saddle and pedal. Otherwise I'd have also been walking the last 500 metres or so.
Although I was not overly impressed by this off road section the paved roads to the second off road section were very enjoyable to road (ying and yang and all that jazz).
On arrival at the last off road section, it didn't look promising! It didn't help that my enthusiasm for it was somewhat lacking. But I did make a, perhaps, half hearted, attempt to cycle it. But the bit that I did ride was in a worst state than the first off road section. So a u-turn it was: this old boy ain't afraid to acknowledge that sometimes retreat is wiser than blindly battering on! If I'd been on my mountain bike, with its lower gears, suspension and fatter tyres, I may well have battered on! The right tool for the job and all that!
I think it is slowly sinking in that when out gravel biking in Spain I'm more of a Via Verde kind of guy than an intrepid explorer of off road tracks where there is no knowing what you may encounter.
It's gunna be all paved roads tomorra!
Man living in harmony with the environment in order to provide "sustainable" summer vegetables in the winter for the UK market. Let them eat turnips I say!!!
Today's route (as not ridden! I stayed on the A-1175 then on to the Al-461A).