Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
The forecasters were forecasting light rain to occur at various times of the day with probabilities from 0 to about 30%. So I chose to drive to Barbate for a short cycle ride, which, in theory, would have me arriving during a dry spell. In theory, but in reality, when I arrived it did not look too promising (about 1pm).
However, ever the optimist, with just a 30% charge of rain I'd give it a go. Anyway, descending from my park-up location to sea level I was met with this view:
My optimism evaporated, and I high tailed it back to the van, which was about 3 kilometres away - uphill! Unfortunately, the rain came in quicker than I could cycle to whence I started out.
Having secured the bike, got out of my wet clothes and in to dry ones, had some soup, fallen asleep, woken up, looked out the window, seen sunshine, decided it was looking like cycling weather, donned cycling clothes, it was almost 4pm!
A short ride was had to Vejer de la Frontera:
Then, after a shower, a coffee and snack, pre-drive tidy up, it was a drive to a beach park-up near San Fernando.
Today's route: