Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Only chased by 9 dogs today, including two events that consisted of 2 dogs at once. I have not included the 3 puppies that made a half hearted attempt to run after me!
So I went into Walmart to purchase an air horn with a view to sounding it when a dog instigates a preemptive attact from in front of me, and the "sound defense" can be deployed when they chase from behind. I shall also purchase some pepper spray, as Carl successfully deployed his pepper spray on a dog today.
Whilst in Walmart I was surprised that guns were for sale! "Go to your local supermarket and whilst buying your weekly victuals why not pop a rifle into your shopping trolley?
Then you can take pot shots at road sign on your way home!
Only in America!