Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
A day of chores for me!
Oh the Joys of watching the spin dry!
Although it has been a day of chores for me, don't worry, I'm having a rest day tomorrow!! with a day trip into Malaga's food market, a coffee stop and, perhaps, some tapas! Ying and Yang, and all that Jazz! Happy days.
Addendum (the foregoing was written whilst doing laundry)
.... some hours later:
All was going well, I was pleased with all the chores finished and was about to return my bike to the bike rack, when I noticed what I thought was a pool of water under the van. On investigation it transpired that I'd accidentally lost almost all of my recently topped up fresh water. Instead of about 65 litres of fresh water I now have a full grey water tank and about 6 litres of fresh water!
Unbeknowst to me the tap in the toilet/shower space was open, so when I switched on the water pump to get some water from the sink tap, water also came out of the toilet/shower tap. Therefore, because I did not switch off the water pump after getting the water I needed, when I was cleaning my bike and on the roof cleaning the solar panels, I was losing nearly all of my fresh water.
Oh well, so it goes! It is unfortunate, but a minor inconvenience really!