Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
Boy was it wet and windy last night! I was awakened on numerous occasions and, just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, the council sent its machinery out to Hoover the carpark at stupid o'clock. So I didn't even get a lie-in!
The rain continued throughout the morning and then: the sun came out. So of it went for another walkabout. This time it was mostly in the Santa Cruz neighbourhood, which once housed the second largest Jewish population in Spain (Toledo was the largest).
The Santa Cruz area is adjacent to Sevilla's Cathedral. So,naturally I had to pass said religious edifice again. What surprised me was my not noticing the La Giralda, the Cathedral's bell tower, as I walk passed it yesterday!
So, obviously, I was much more vigilant today. If I hadn't then it is likely I would have missed this:
On the left can be seen an image depicting the tragic end that Prometheus was condemned to by Zeus. More tragically, at least so the story goes, the ceramic skull tile is reportedly said to have replaced the skull of a young Jewish girl murdered as a consequence of falling in love with a Christian: The skull being on open display as a warning to others!
On a more cheery note, I found a fantastic ice cream shop: Créeme. Where I had some of the best ice cream I've ever eaten - highly recommended if you should find yourself in Sevilla. And if you are looking for good coffee, try Muy (visited yesterday) or Hispalis Café where the coffee is excellent. Non of these are in Santa Cruz! But, here's a map of the area:
So, keeping my vigilance up, I looked up and saw this sign: "stop the war". Given that I was in the old Jewish Quarter and, given current world affairs, I thought I'd photograph it - then these two walked into my photo frame, clearly intrigued by something other than the sign:
The vigilance didn't end there, because not long after, for some reason my eye was drawn to this image:
And, who doesn't like cold water?:
Finally, (one orange) tree of the day:
Limbo springs to mind!