Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Pittsburg, Kansas is a dump. It appears to have absolutely no redeeming features. It is the worst of America. Do not bother visiting, it is the pits!
I am somewhat suprised how dire it is here, as it is the home of Kansas State University. I therefore expected there to be at least one good coffee shop / cafe, but there appears to be none of that kind of thing, just strip malls with the likes of Walmart, Starbucks, Macdonalds, Taco Bell, Home Depot, ..... All very depressing.
On the upside, we leave tomorrow! And I have at least had the chance to catch up with my blog. Indeed, this is the longest period I have had without WiFi access. I am sure you have all been desperate for news! Not!