Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
So today the plan was to take a short ride into Telluride and, effectively, have an easy day.
At the end of the Telluride Road, the road appeared to continue!
However, on arrival Plan B was envoked, which was not to stay! The reasons being:
Toy town houses in Telluride: there appeared to be lots of these either built or under construction:
So I had breakfast and headed out of town. But don't get me wrong it's location is outstanding, but just not for me. So tonight I'm camping in the Ridgeway State Park.
Not only that, but good fortune befell me on the way to the campground. You see I had followed the cycle path from the town of Ridgeway towards the State Park when, without warning the bike path ended and there was a 3m high fence between where I was and the main road. However, I did notice there was a narrow dirt path leading off towards the Park so rather than retrace the miles I'd already cycled I proceeded along said path. Eventually there was a steep section, which I ascended in first gear, to be confronted by a fork in the path. One fork led off in the wrong direction, to oblivion no doubt! The other, although heading in the correct direction, was barred by a 3m high gate and the continuation of the 3m high fence. Did I say that good fortune had befallen me? Well, here it is: I thought I'd check the gate and, lo, was there not a clip to open said gate. Yippee! Ah, but there is more: As I was about to close the gate Nancy cycled up, offered to close the gate and then, having ascertained that I was destined to stay at the very same campground she was already pitched at offered to share her pitch. So I got to stay at the campground for free, and in the company of: Nancy, Judy and Cedar. How lucky am I? (At least today anyway!)