Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
I write this on the droite bank of the Loire, nearest village: Varennes-sur-Loire.
So, the cunning plan was to put in a big drive today so that I could cycle tomorrow. When looking for somewhere to park-up for a couple of nights I came accros my current location and thought: The Loire Valley now that sounds interesting. Not only that, it is deadly quiet as I write this post, which augurs well for a good night's sleep. Mind you, given I'm knackered from driving for something like 8.25 hours today, I don't imagine I'll find it too difficult to sleep tonight. I'd say that driving for that length of time is just as tiring as cycling for that amount of time! I doubt you'll have any difficulty guessing which I prefer doing!
Driving time could have been reduced if I'd paid the tolls. However, because of my experience travelling south (I passed some distance to the east of Bayonne and, thus missed much of the agglomeration traffic in the Bayonne area), going north Google Maps effectively routed me through the Bayonne agglomeration. Thus, slowing progress. Should there be a next time, I'd pay the toll to bypass the Bayonne area, which probably would have saved an hour! Lesson learnt!
Here's a photo of the park-up taken shortly after my arrival at 7.10 pm: