Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Well that's us out of Kansas and into Colorado (The Centenial State). I saw not one sunflower in the Sunflower State. However, I did enjoy my ride through the state.
Tonight we are staying in Eads at 1,286m (4,219ft). Although we have been climbing steadily through Kansas the climbing begins in earnest through Colorado.
Flower: Purple
Creature: Cattle (A common feature of cattle in the field that I have noticed is how often they are huddled together in to tight).
Road: KS96 (Again: We are cycling in excess of 300 miles on the 96).
And here we some folks cycling on 96: (Clockwise: Jeff, Adell, Bob L and Brenden)
Views of Eastern Colorado:
It is strange how Kansas was nothing like I had imagined. Whereas the far eastern area of Colorado that we past through is exactly how I imagined Kansas would look.