Day 52: Busot (Ciclismo)
A day for exercising ghosts! Way back in the year of our Lord 2023, during
Today was the rainiest rainy day of the tour. It rained most of the night but, fortunately, stopped long enough to get up and pack up the tent in the dry. It them started to rain as I left the campground and rained, poured, drizzled and occasionally stopped all the way to Brunswick. Where I called it a day. Unfortunately, the forecast is for more of the same for the coming days.
The other downside of being East Coast is that camping and accommodation prices appear to be significantly higher than they were out West Coast at this time of the year. Primarily there do not appear to be any hiker/biker campsites out this way. I am somewhat saddened by this fact, as it looks as though even more of my time will be spent looking for places to sleep at night. It seemed so much easier going down the West Coast last year. So it looks as though the wallet will take a significant hit unless I find warm shower hosts or stealth camp!