Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Anyone up for a litte shooting practice?!
A fairly easy ride to Zion National Park, and as I rode the wind speed increased and the direction in which I was riding became increasing into the wind. The suprising thing was that
as I descended into Zion Canyon the wind speed increased, whereas I expected it to decrese as I descended deeper into the canyon. This evening the wind is extremely variable: one minute it is blowing strongly, but steady; next there are some huge gusts and then, surprisingly it is still.
Just as I was thinking that I'd had my fill of rock formations/geology I entered Zion National Park via the East Entrance. This is clearly the best direction to enter the park if your riding a bike: it is virtually downhill all the way so you can coast all the way and admire the landscape, which is sublime.
Still not too sure which route I'm going to take over the next few days. Currently my inclination is to stick to the paved roads. Anyway, tomorrow starts with a trip up the canyon.
And these are the conditions tonight; no it is neither misty nor raining but, dust!