Day 72: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle)
Going west would be best but it was gonna be rainy. At least by going
Sometimes you have an itch that has to be scratched! Well Benidorm become an itch for me. Firstly as a consequence of my earlier cycle ride when I'd seen some interesting buildings, which I wished to get a second closer look at; and, secondly, whilst in Denia, I spoke to an English couple who said how much they regularly enjoyed visiting the old town of Benidorm. My interest was piqued!
So before moving on towards Alicante, I decided that I'd scratch that itch and, today was the day to do it!
After some routing issues, I parked-up and through the miracle of bipedal motion I made my way to the Old Town and seafront.
First impressions: I was surprised how busy it was (especially the promenade); there were many more Spanish voices than I expected and assumed that they were Spanish day trippers; There was a good mix of ages out and about; the older generation was out in force! I also saw my first, second, third ... tandem mobility scooters!
The tallest building you see in the next photograph is one of the buildings I was particularly interested in.
Here is a closer view of it:
Apparently it is an appartement building (more info here)
Much of the Old Town was closed, and I'm not sure whether that was because it was a Sunday or because owners are having their own holidays?
Popped down again after dark to see what it was like. Itch scratched!