Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
So today the Trans Am Tour started in earnest in a westerly direction. The fact that I am now travelling west made me feel that my tour was heading towards its end point, which had the psychological effect of making me feel a little sad, as I was on the return leg rather than outward. Fortunately, in terms of milage I've still got some 1,500 miles to go before I reach the half way point and in terms of time, midway will occur on the 19th of June. So all is good then, and in effect, I'm still on the outward leg. So, all in all, it was just a psychological error: In the end It is all just mind games!
It would appear that:
We shall see....
Saving the best bits until last .....