Day 71: Pueblo Salinas (Cycle/Drive)
Apart from high velocity winds in the afternoon, the weather was much improved. I know!
Sometimes you have to go backwards in order to move forward. Today was one of those days.
Last night I was trying to decide what to do next. The choice was to move to the next cycling location, hopefully with a sports bar nearby, and if there was not, go somewhere where I could watch football. Eventually, I decided to sleep on it!
By lunch time today I'd established that what I actually wanted to do was watch Liverpool vs Manchester United; perhaps, one of the most anticipated games of the season.
So that is why I ended up in Roquetas de Mar. A Google search showed that JJ's Southern British Bar!! had large screen TVs that showed premier league football, and the "Park4NIght" app indicated there was a nearby (38 minute walk) park-up location that had decent reviews.
This meant that instead of continuing my journey forward, south and west, I would be heading east and south: backtracking for the first time whilst on this Spanish winter adventure.
That is how I ended up watching Liverpool beat United 7-0; just like me, my team were going backwards. Hopefully, they'll regain forward momentum when the play Real Betis on Thursday!
It also started to rain on me 5 minutes from the van. What luck!
Oh yes, I'm parked by the sea tonight: