Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
I rode south out of Ronda on the A-397 for about 22 kilometres. It was a fairly busy road and then I turned right. The contrast was stark: it was a single track road with a perfectly smooth surface that initially passed through a forest of conifers. However, the most striking thing was the absolute silence. The only noise being that created by me and my bike. Not even a single bird could be heard!
Later, having descended and then started to climb the hill/mountain sides became more cultivated and were actively being managed, as evidenced by the many fires. I unfortunately had to pass by a few, which is not good for the breathing, especially when climbing!
I passed through Pujerra (the dog is not dead; it is sunbathing! - it took one cursory glace at me and, having no apparent vanity, returned to its "side sleeper" position, backside to the fore, for the photograph):
And, Juzcar. Juzcar is known as the Azul Pueblo because the casas, and other buildings, have all been painted blue. I declined the opportunity to photograph it! Apparently the houses were painted blue to promote a Sony made Smurf film. The villagers kept them blue because visitors started to arrive and, thus, money could be made! So, previously the village was known as "The Smurf Village" but that required them to pay royalties to the Belgium Smurf Company on goods sold; thus the name change to the blue village - the visitors still come but royalties no longer need to be paid! And the villagers have told Sony they can have the big Smurf back, but Sony have as yet not bothered to collect it. So it remains a selfie hot spot.
When I awoke this morning it was 9°C in the van. When I left it was about 14°C. When I returned, the temperature inside was nearer 40°C than 39°C. I do believe that today's temperature is one of the hottest so far.
Today's Route: (Note: Don't take short cut into Juzcar - unless you like very steep descents!)