Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
Today is a good day to be an Irish citizen if, as I did, you departed the UK for Europe on the 29th of December! Thankfully I am! Otherwise I would have had to leave the Schengen Area yesterday! So instead of being in Spain today I may well have found myself in Morocco. Going to Africa appears to be a popular destination for Brits travelling on a British passport needing to leave the Schengen area because of the 90 days in 180 days rule. Luck of the Irish and all that Jazz!
Anyway, today I arrived in Ardales campsite. Where I will be staying for three nights.
Tomorrow I shall walk the Cominito Del Rey. Staying in the campsite simply makes the logistics of getting to and from the start and end, respectively, less of a hassle. And I'm always in favour of minimising hassle. Indeed, I like, whenever possible, to be in a hassle and stress free state of mind! And fortunately I mostly am.