Day 70: La Isleta del Moro (Cycle)
I was pleased to be out on the bike today. The weather forecast indicated there
A day of:
Four pueblos:
Algodonales, where the ride began and ended:
Olvera, atop a hill:
Ronda, atop a cliff edge:
Zahara de la Sierra, atop a hill and adjacent to a reservoir:
Tres Puertos:
Cabañas at 530 metres:
Montejaque at 703 metres on the A-374:
Montejaque at 720 metres on the A-2030:
However, the high point of the day was at about 820 metres.
One ignored highway sign:
The road was passable!
No ice cream! But, on return to the van I tried the coffee I bought in Sevilla. It makes an excellent stove top coffee, not as good as in the coffee shop (obviously!) but, nonetheless, probably one of the best I've bought. Highly recommend Hispalis Café's coffee and, no I'm not sponsored nor bribed!
Today's route: