USA 2014

Dave's 191 Day, 10,000 Mile, North American Cycling Odyssey Documented by Daily Posts.

Day 72 Wytheville

So I've now had sometime to become accustomed to the ways of the Trans Am Tour. Somethings stay the same (cycling) whilst there are, not surprisingly, new things. One of the

Day 70: Camp Bethel

Last night there was much concern as 70 year old Brenden was very late arriving in to camp. Indeed, it was well after dark, many hours after his eta, that he turned up.

Day 69: I'm in Love!

Yes, I am truly in Love, just off of the Blue Ridge Skyline Driveway. Where we are camping at the Royal Oaks Log Cabins. Today was a fantastic cycle ride as we left

Day 68: Charlottesville

A pleasant ride to Charlottesville (49 miles), except for being chased by two Staffordshire Terriers and then a Beagle and his pal, and subsequently nearly deafened by a great big black dog as

Day 66: Ashland

On Day 63 I may have been somewhat critical of the launderette lady. In hindsight I may simply have jumped to the wrong conclusion: thinking the worst of her, rather than giving her

Day 65: Willis Church (Grenville)

So today the Trans Am Tour started in earnest in a westerly direction. The fact that I am now travelling west made me feel that my tour was heading towards its end point,

Day 63: Williamsburg (Rest Day)

First thing this morning I went to wash my sleeping bag etc. First thing to note is that it is virtually impossible to find soap powder rather than detergant, and all that variety

Day 62: Williamsburg

Weather was back to normal (sunny). Unfortunately I was travelling in a general north to northwestly direction and guess what? The wind had changed direction overnight from a southeasterly to a northwestly, which

Day 61: Elizabeth City

Plan B kicked in today. I suppose it had to happen eventually, having evaded some rainfall, some of it biblical, for 60 days, on the 61st day the heavens opened and it I

Day 60: Kitty Hawk

A very pleasant 83 mile cycle on the Outer Bank that included a 45 minute ferry journey. Amazingly much of the inner sea area is only knee deep! The stopover tonight is in

Day 59: Ocracoke

Well it all got off to a rather ignoble start: at the car hire drop off I attempted my first mount of the fully loaded bike, which ended with me falling over, with

Day 58: Morehead City

With the end of this section of the tour and the excitement of cycling on my own for the next few days little sleep was had last night. Up at 6.30am, breakfast

Day 57: St Augustine

The last day of the Southern Tier tour ended today. The ride in was quite emotional with most riders appearing to be deep in thought reflecting on the past 57 days and in

Day 56: Palatka

Eventually all good things have to come to and end, and so we approach the end of this Southern Tier cycle tour accross the Southern States of America, having travelled some 3,000

Day 55: Gainsvile

So little sleep was had last night, what with the open air music playing until 1.30am; golf buggies with drunkards and merry makers zooming by the tents; and someone playing their car

Day 55: Gainsvile

So little sleep was had last night, what with the open air music playing until 1.30am; golf buggies with drunkards and merry makers zooming by the tents; and someone playing their car

Day 54: Suwannee Music Park

So for once in my life I got to cross the Suwannee (River) rather than be up it! And now for a view up it Tonight we are camping at the Spirit of

Day 53: Waukeenah (Rest Day)

For our rest day I was greated with news that was less than good. It would appear that following an insect bite my leg has become infected such that I am now on

Day 52: Waukeenah

Lou celebrated his 80th birthday today. We had a birthday breakfast at which he was presented with kind words and gifts. Here we see Lou off to take a photo of his decorated

Day 51: Midway

Yes, as the name suggests, Midway is neithr here nor there. It is however, our place of rest for tonight. So we should be thankful that we will be somewhere closer to here

Day 50: Marianna

Here we see Jo and Lou relaxing after a 63 mile cycle ride with temperatures into the 30s°C. Just four ice creams consumed by me today: 1 Magnum Infinity; 1 Strawberry Fruiticle;