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Day 15: Port de Sollér (Cycle)

The weather forecast this morning was worse than that provided yesterday afternoon. Moreover, the weather as experienced was worse than that which was forecast on both occasions. The temperatures were forecast to be

Day 14: Port de Sollér (Drive)

More rain today, so a perfect opportunity to do some vanwork and maintenance. The primmary maintenance was to fix a skylight blind that has been in a state of malfunction for sometime. Here&

Day 12: Valldemossa (Drive/Cycle)

The first coll (Can Costa), was a freebie! This is because my starting elevation was such that I only had to climb approximately 20 metres of elevation to reach it. Not only that,

Day 10: Peguera (Ciclismo)

A very pleasant cycle where there were some firsts for this second Spanish cycling/campervan odyssey. The first first was the first official coll: Coll de sa Palomera. I do believe this to

Day 9: Peguera (Cycling)

Unfortunately it was not a dream/nightmare, and the van's damage does not look less bad in the cold light of day. Shame! In an attempt to not dwell upon the

Day 8: Peguera (Ferry/Drive)

Yesterday did not end well, neither has today! Once on the ferry to Mallorca I was hoping to sleep from soon after our Valencia departure at 10pm until immediately prior to our arrival

Day 6: Valencia (City and Cycle)

A Supreme Being giveth and taketh away kind of day! The Giveth: * Given last year's difficulties in acquiring a Spanish sim card I was surprised at how easy it was this

Day 5: Valencia (Arrival)

I departed from Zaragoza at about 10.30am where the temperature was cloudy and about 10°C. I arrived at El Salar Beach, which is a little south of Valencia, at about 2.

Day 4: Zaragoza (City Cycle)

First cycle ride this year in Zaragoza! Always good to start the year with a bike ride - start as we mean to carry on. It does help that there was wall-to-wall sunshine.

Day 3: Zaragoza Arrival

A leisurely drive down to Zaragoza. As I crossed the border into Spain both I and the weather cheered up! It was pouring with rain when I set off, but the roads were

Day 1: Dover to Noyant-Villages

It is time for another adventure, and is going to be a variation upon last year's Southern Spain odyssey. Stay tuned for, what I hope to be, daily updates. It has

Day 104: The End!

That's it folks! This Spanish odyssey has come to an end and I've returned to the UK. The white cliffs of Dover The numbers have been crunched: * Total distance

Day 100: Beasain (Drive/Cycle)

Oh yes, A century of days! After a drive, there was a very pleasant cycle in the Basque countryside. Photographs were taken using my mobile phone. Unfortunately the phone has been acting up

Day 99: Lerma (Arrival)

Self portrait with tree and lamppost: 10°C at 8.30 this morning as I walked to the train station - at least 24°C in the sun as I walked back to

Day 98: Pinto (Prado Visit)

Atocha Railway Station Facade: An early start meant a chilly start: 7°C at departure from the van at about 8.30AM. It did mean that I arrived at the Prado Museum to

Day 97: Pinto (Arrival)

Clarifications and Corrections: In my previous post I asserted that I cycled to Jean, what I should have written is Jaen. Apologies for any confusion this may have caused. Today's post: