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Day 2: Rouen to Lencloitre

At the beginning of the day it seemed like a good idea to batter on down towards Spain and tick off as many miles as I could in the day.  To quote the

Day 1: Calais to Rouen

* Ferry left Dover at 0910 and, I was on it! * Prior to ferry embarkation the Customs and Border Control chose to undertake a customs check of my van. Obviously nothing was found, because

Day 0: Pre - Departure

* I found a recommended moterhome/campervan route through France and Spain that minimised road toll charges. * I collated some 70 cycling routes from Valencia in the East through to the Portuguese border in

Just Like a Phoenix ...

This blog has been dormant for a while now, but it is about to be resurrected! Previously this blog was used so that I could be tracked whilst touring the United States of

Day 177: New York (Day 1)

I awoke to a rainy New York City: But that did not matter as I was off to MOMA. My thoughts regarding the museum are mixed. Firstly, it was far too busy for

Day 176: New York (Manhatten)

This is the end ... my beautiful friends the end .... Obviously I knew it was going to happen: eventually this cycle tour had to end, but it only seems like 5 months, 2 weeks,

Day 175: Wildwood State Park

So today I passed into a 4th State in just 4 days: Massachusetts => Rhode Island => Connecticut => New York. This was my penultimate riding day of this tour, which included a

Day 174: New London

For the past few weeks I have been following the East Coast Greenway (ECG). Most of the route through Rhode Island is on excellent dedicated cycle paths with much shade. As I rolled

Day 173: Providence

.... perhaps they're off to a turkey shoot! At some point, I know not where, I left that part of the USA known as Massachusetts. And, at some point, I know not

Day 171: Orleans

So I left gay Provincetown at approximately 10am for an easy ride to Orleans where I stayed with Richard, from last year's South Tier group, and his family. I had a

Day 170: Provincetown

Well folks, there is less than a week left of this year's cycling odyssey: I shall arrive in New York next Wednesday, so only 6 more days of cycling. I am

Day 169: Boston (Rest Day)

Much walking in Boston today and a visit to the Fine Art Museum ($25, extortionate if you ask me, especially as the museums are free in the UK, you just have to pay

Day 168: Boston

Shocking! You'll no doubt be glad to hear that this morning I awoke feeling much better and eager to get back on the bike. So today I must have cycled on

Day 167: Salisbury State Beach

Warning: this blog entry is not to be read by those of a particularly sensitive disposition that may be offended by the mention of bodily fluids! Well it can't be good

Day 166: York Harbor

I returned to "the holy donut" and had: 1. Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Donut 2. Blueberry Donut 3. Lemon Glaze Donut 4. Cappuchino with 2 shots of espresso 5. Grapefruit

Day 165: Portland

Last night I stayed with Derek and Lindsey, and a very pleasant evening it was too. Today I cycled to Portland where I'm staying with Sheila and her family whom I

Day 163: Belfast

Just like Scotland, after many days of overcast, foggy, damp weather, the sun finally makes an appearance. The ride from Bar Harbor to Belfast was a slight variation from the outward bound route.

Day 162: Bar Harbor (Resting)

Did I mention that Maine reminds me of Scotland? Well it is raining again, need I say more? But to compensate, Maine does have Desert Island Ice Cream, which sells The Dude: White

Day 161: Bar Harbor (Cycling)

Way back in the last century J. D Rockefeller Jr. directed and financed the construction of 57 miles of Carriage Roads, and 17 bridges, in what was to become Acadia National Park. These

Day 160: Bar Harbor Campground

So having left San Diego, California, on the 24th March 2015, my most westerly point, I arrived in Bar Harbor, Maine, my most easterly point, some 154 days later on the 24th August

Day 159: Balsom Cove Campground

Whilst cycling through New England's Maine State today I was reminded of cycling in Old England and in particular Scotland: The lush green, the lakes, the hills and the inclement weather